Monday, June 29, 2015

12 high tech devices to monitor your kids' health

CellScope is a company aimed at becoming a digital toolkit for medical needs. The first hardware product is Oto, to inspect ear infections.

Wishbone Thermometer

Wishbone Thermometer was crowdfunded on Kickstarter and marketed as the "world's smallest thermometer." It connects to a smartphone to accurately measure and track temperature data.

Sound Sleeper

Sound Sleeper is a sleeping solution for your baby and/or toddler. Use Sound Sleeper to put your baby to sleep using white noise with Play Mode, help her stay asleep with Listen Mode, which turns on when she cries, and analyze her sleep habits with Sleep Tracking Mode.

The Grush

The Grush is a gaming toothbrush, that uses interactive games to make kids brush for as long as they need to. It also measures their technique and consistency to show kids what they're doing and how it's helping.

Always There

Always There is a password-protected app that allows kids to journal their feelings, look through tips and stories submitted by other kids, and find jokes and inspirational quotes to help them cope with stress. It can also provide information to find physical help in their communities.

This smart pacifier is equipped Bluetooth and tracks your baby's temperature, so it sends the readings directly to your smartphone. It also has a location tracking feature, so if it gets lost, you can find it.
Sproutling is a wearable baby monitor that goes around a baby's ankle, and tracks sleeping patterns, heart rate, and temperature to send to a parent's smartphone. It also uses that data to predict sleep habits.
This infant seat bounces and rocks like an actual human would. It also plays soothing music for babies to comfort them. Parents can control it from their smartphones.
Origami stroller
This stroller folds and unfolds with the touch of a button, and has a little dashboard that shows the temperature, speed, and distance traveled. It also has a built-in phone charger. It will be available in fall 2016.
Sensible Baby
This is another version of a smart monitor. It tells you if your baby is sleeping on her back or stomach, what her temperature is, her sleep and breathing patterns, and how much she's moving.
Smart Diapers
These smart diapers were crowdfunded on Indiegogo. They can track urinary tract infections, dehydration, and kidney problems.

1 comment:

  1. These devices are pretty handy, thanks! Especially for young parents.The only thing I'd like to add is .
    This is a tracking app which can be used to control children's activity on the Internet. In addition, a parent can block inappropriate apps and calls on child's phone.
