Friday, January 24, 2014

Security: Pica y se Extiende el problema de Seguridad de las Tarjetas de Crédito (ZDNet)

Neiman Marcus: 1.1 million cards compromised
Summary: The retailer, however, said it has no knowledge of any connection between its data breach and the one disclosed by Target.
Upscale retailer Neiman Marcus confirmed that it was a victim of a data breach and that 1.1 million customer payment cards were scraped for data.
In a notice on its Web site, Neiman Marcus said that malware was installed on its systems and attempted to collect payment card data from July 16 to Oct. 30.
The news comes as payment systems are being examined for security at major retailers. First, Target came out with disclosures that as many as 110 million accounts may have been breached. Then Neiman Marcus surfaced as a victim in subsequent reports. Other retailers are also likely to come forward.
However, Neiman Marcus said it has no knowledge of any connection to the Target security issues. Neiman Marcus said it was informed by its merchant processor in mid-December about a potential breach.
Add it up, 1,100,000 customer cards were visible to the malware. Visa, MasterCard and Discover have told the retailer that 2,400 unique payment cards have been used fraudulently so fear.
The good news for Neiman Marcus customers is that so far social security numbers and birth dates weren't compromised, store issued cards haven't been breached and online shoppers aren't impacted.

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