From a form generator to a trend tracker to a cloud printer app, these free tools will expand your capabilities and save you time and effort.
Google is one of the most powerful cloud-based tools on the market. Whether you use it for personal tasks, school, business, or pleasure, plenty of apps are available. Some of these apps (such as Docs, Calendar, and Gmail) are all widely used and well known. There are, however, other Google apps you may not have run across -- apps that can go a long way toward making your life a bit easier. These apps may be less well known, but that doesn't mean they are less capable. Let me introduce you to five such apps that you can integrate into your free Google account.
Forms (Figure A) makes it easy to build surveys you can send to your contacts. These forms can help you plan events, organize your priorities, get answers to important questions from clients/relatives/friends, and much more. The form generator is simple to use. You can build your surveys using text, paragraph text, multiple choice options, check boxes, lists, scales (1 to 10), grid, date, and time answers. You can also theme your forms to make them more visually appealing.
Figure A
Once you've created a form, you can send it to Facebook, Google+, or Twitter or share a link via email. When people fill out the form, you can track their answers in a Google spreadsheet.
2: Trends
Trends (Figure B) is where you go when you want to know what searches are trending. This app is handy when you need to know what searches are hot (to work popular keywords into a page or piece of online marketing material). The tool allows you to open multiple areas so you can watch for as many popular search terms as you need. When you see a trend that interests you, click on the box to open the full-blown Google search results for that trend.
Figure B
From the main Trends page you can gauge global interest in a particular subject. Click on the Explore In-Depth link to gain even more insight into trends (and even add specific terms to track). You can also go to the Hot Trends page to see a recent history of trending searches.
3: Scholar
When you need to run a Google search against an index of scholarly literature, turn to Scholar (Figure C). It filters out everything but scholarly papers from your Google searches and runs across an array of formats and disciplines. If you're curious which scholarly databases Scholar indexes, take a look at this page for the list.
Figure C
Scholar lets you include articles (including patents) and case law in the results. When you run a search, you'll notice the results are a bit different from the standard Google return. First, there's a complete lack of advertisements. That alone should prove its worth. Second, the results tend to be heavy on books and PDFs (though websites do appear). If a result links to a website, almost without fail that site is a university or other research institution. Scholar also allows you to track citations, create a library (for use with citations), and view metrics of publications included in Scholar.
4: Cloud Print
Cloud Print (Figure D) is a tool worth setting up immediately -- especially if you're an Android user. It enables you to print to your printer from any device from anywhere, once you have a cloud-ready printer set up. (You can also set up a classic printer, so long as it is attached to a desktop and configured through Google Chrome.)
Figure D
Cloud-ready printers can be shared to other users so that they can easily print to them. Log into your Google account and go to the Manage Printers page, where you can check print jobs, add a cloud-ready printer, add a classic printer, delete printers, and more. If you're a mobile user who's constantly on the go, Cloud Print is a must-have.
5: Groups
Groups (Figure E) has been around for a long time, but with the massive popularity of Facebook, it's often forgotten. However, if you've grown tired of the sophomoric attitudes and sharing on Facebook and want to focus a collection of users into a more helpful resource, create a Google Group.
Figure E
With this app, you can create a discussion group on a specific topic and leave behind the memes, selfies, and political soapboxing. You can create a group as an email list, a web forum, a Q&A forum, or a collaborative inbox. Once you've created the group, you can even embed it (as an iframe) into an external web page. If you select group members carefully, Groups can become an incredibly powerful tool to use for brainstorming, discussion, and collaboration.
Summary: The year's first Technical Preview release of Windows 10 introduces some crucial new features, including the personal assistant, Cortana, as well as a new hub for notifications and some updated apps. Here's what to look for.
The Windows 10 update runs on Windows 7 or 8.1
Windows 10 is far from finished, and this preview is still intended just for advanced Windows users who are unfazed by the possibility of running into pre-release bugs. [I'll update this page with installation links when I have them.]
Zoom the Start menu to full screen
The basic layout of the Windows 10 Start menu is unchanged since the first round of preview releases. This update is cleaner, with much less clutter. And it offers the first peek at Continuum, one of the signature features aimed at easing the transition to touch on hybrid devices. The button in the upper right corner switches the Start menu to a full Start screen.
Setting up Cortana to be more useful
To date, Cortana has only been available on Windows phones, which means most Windows users aren't aware of what this digital assistant can do. Cortana offers a search interface that can be driven by speech or by the keyboard. You can also ask Cortana to set reminders and create appointments.
The introduction of an immersive, interactive, holographic interface from Microsoft could spell new opportunities for businesses and brands in the future.
Microsoft announced the Windows Holographic experience at its Windows 10 event on Wednesday, which is a new immersive, augmented platform. Microsoft wants to put a weather report on your kitchen counter and soccer game on your empty wall, and they want to do it with the HoloLens.
HoloLens is a headset that facilitates an augmented reality experience "where your real world is blended with your digital world," according to their video promo.
"Our industry is constantly evolving towards more personal computing and we want to take the next step by placing your digital content right into your world, right into your life, with more relevance than ever before," a Microsoft spokesperson told TechRepublic.
Microsoft's Alex Kipman said at the event that HoloLens is the first fully untethered holographic computer. The headset includes motion sensors, spatial sound, and transparent lenses. Microsoft built a holographic processing unit to power the headset.
The introductory video showed scenes both at home and in the office, highlighting collaboration, especially among people in separate locations. Gartner analyst Brian Blau said uses could range from creating designs and prototyping, to training and instruction, to situations where a user needs both hands for a task like machine operation.
"There are many more use cases as well, especially for communications where the user could substitute the HMD for flat screens to bring that communication into a more personal setting," he said.
Microsoft referenced the potential of app development. Blau said that taking the platform approach means more developers and end users, consumers, and businesses will have easier access to the technology.
"We are excited about all the possibilities and experiences that will come to this platform and device including applications that span productivity, communications and entertainment," said a Microsoft spokesperson.
What HoloLens could mean for brands at the moment is still to be determined. Forrester's vice president and principal analyst Thomas Husson thinks that while this technology will have an impact on entertainment first, "marketers in all industries should start anticipating new opportunities to deliver their brand experiences."
Looking big picture, he said, "I think Microsoft's HoloLens is a game-changer and will change the way we as individuals interact with machines and objects around us."
Microsoft also announced HoloStudio, which will allow users to create their own holograms.
Image: CNET
Husson thinks it will open up new ways for brands to interact with consumers because of what he called a "new natural computing interface," one that's neither fully augmented reality nor virtual reality.
"I don't think it should be compared to fully immersive Virtual reality like Oculus Rift. Instead of isolating you from the world around you, it will rather offer mixed digital and physical interactions," he said.
Husson also said that the fact that the holographic interface is embedded in Windows 10 could offer brands a platform that should quickly offer reach.
Looking at the broader field, Microsoft's entrance could accelerate the timeline for other similar products in development.
"I do feel that by Microsoft coming into the market that does create some pressure for others who have similar ambitions, but I'll also note that the HMD's are not new and there is a long history here of tech companies trying and failing," Blau said.
That said, he does think that this round of innovation on immersive devices is more mature. As Blau said, AR and VR aren't new, but this might finally be the point in time where the technology catches up to the hype.
Blau has a demo of HoloLens and said it's some of the best immersive hardware and software he's seen in years.
"The technology has advanced enough to allow for these products to reach market and on the app side, developers really just need to start creating immersive experiences," he said.
The prospect of an open Internet and
competition in broadband services may send a frisson of horror through the
telecom industry, but consumers and businesses that rely on the Internet can
cheer these developments.
Speaking in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Obama flayed
telecom giants that have lobbied states for a ban on public networks. "In
too many places across America, some big companies are doing everything they
can to keep out competitors," he said. As a result, 19 states have
"laws on the books thatstamp out competitionand make it really difficult for communities to provide their
own broadband."
Obama argued that municipal broadband "is
not a red or blue issue" -- noting that residents of Yuma County, Colo.,
voted in November to add a community broadband service "even while voting
85 percent in favor of a Republican state senator." And he lauded the
Iowa city for building a municipal network that provides speeds of up to 1Gbps.
"You're 100 times faster than the national average, and you can log on at
about the same price as a fully loaded cable bundle," Obama said.
The National Cable and Telecommunications
Association was swift to decry the unfairness of local governments competing
with private companies and trotted out the obligatory statement about its
members having spent more than $230 billion over the past 20 years to extend
and upgrade their broadband networks. Some would call that a cost of doing
business -- for which those companies have reaped ample rewards -- and not a
rationale for a monopoly. It also ignores the hundreds of billions of dollars
that government has given telecoms in return for promises to deliver open fiber
optic connections to schools and rural communities --promises they for the most part have not kept(although they
kept the money).
of January 5th, 2015, America is now 26th in the world in broadband download
speeds and 44th in upload speeds, and we've paid over and over and over again
for upgrades that were never done, including the wiring of schools. We
collectively paid about $400 billion to have the phone networks upgraded to
fiber optics, and the cablecos' collected over $50 billion extra since 2000
under something called the 'Social Contract,' which was supposed to wire the
schools. Meanwhile, Time Warner and Comcast's profit margins on high speed
Internet were 97 percent in 2013, and there have been continuous rate increases
for over 20+ years on cable service.
Ironically, FCC Commissioner Michael O'Reilly
opposes preempting state laws that ban municipal broadband. His reasoning:
"This debate is about preempting a state's right to prevent taxpayer
"The state of Missouri is the latest
legislature to attempt to erect barriers to the deployment of broadband
networks that are critical to the future of its local economies and the
nation," said theCoalition for Local Internet Choice.
"It is ironic that while the International CES show in Las Vegas
spotlighted hundreds of new devices and applications that require big
bandwidth, legislation would be introduced in Missouri that would impair the
development of networks that enable that bandwidth."
Private ISPs seemingly must be defended from
municipal broadband even in places where they have no interest in providing
service. Last year Republican State Senator Julia Lynn unsuccessfully proposed
outlawing community broadband in Kansas. The bill was aimed at the town of
Chanute, which was interested inoffering gigabit services to residents.
City officials approached AT&T about installing a fiber optic network in
Chanute in 2009, butAT&T showed no interest, according to
Chanute Utilities Director Larry Gates. Sometimes, necessity is also the mother
of fiber Internet service.
"You can't survive today without fast
Internet," Deb Socia, executive director of Next Generation Cities, a
bipartisan coalition of 55 cities, toldComputerworld. "Our group talks about
broadband as a people issue and not a partisan issue," Socia said.
The FCC is reportedlyscheduled to vote on petitions to
invalidate state lawsin Tennessee and North Carolina on Feb. 26, the same day it is
also expected to vote on a proposal to reclassify broadband as a Title II
public utility.
It'll take at least five years, and at least $10 billion, for this global communications system to bring high-speed Internet connectivity to all.
Where does Elon Musk find the time? When the ambitious entrepreneur isn't busy dreaming up the future of electric vehicles, or the future of space travel, he seems to either enjoy spending his time playing Kerbal Space Program or pondering up new ways that he can effect massive change in an otherwise stagnant technological field.
In this case, Musk has said that he wants to create a brand-new global communications system that would be able to provide low-cost Internet service that's of a reasonable speed (and good connectivity) to the billions around the world who don't have it. Said service would allegedly be as fast as the fiber-optic connectivity that is ever-so-slowly being deployed around various U.S. cities at the moment.
"The speed of light is 40 percent faster in the vacuum of space than it is for fiber," said Musk, in an interview with Businessweek. "The long-term potential is to be the primary means of long-distance Internet traffic and to serve people in sparsely populated areas."
Musk's system—name yet to be announced—would use hundreds of satellites positioned roughly 750 miles or so above the Earth in a geosynchronous orbit. As Businessweek notes, that's a lot shorter of an altitude than the 22,000-mile heights that communications satellites are typically positioned away from the Earth. The shorter distance is where Musk is undoubtedly getting the speed advantage, as it would take a lot less time to data to travel to the satellites, bounce around the orbital network, and beam back down to its intended destination.
If this idea sounds more fanciful than realistic, Musk did note that his project will likely be headquartered in SpaceX's new Seattle office. Around 60 people, who will also be working on SpaceX's many rockets and cargo systems, will likely help kickstart the communications effort. Musk said he believes that the project could employ up to 1,000 people within a few years.
As for a timeline, Musk doesn't expect that such a service will be ready for at least the next five years, if that. And it'll probably cost around $10 billion or so for SpaceX to actually create. However, creating this giant communications system will help SpaceX address a secondary goal—at some point, getting a global communications network up-and-running for a Mars expedition.
That is, of course, assuming that this communication network can get off the ground. Virgin founder Richard Branson said that he doesn't believe SpaceX even has the spectrum to create such a network, let alone any space in the air where its hundred-plus satellites could live.
What's the best way to get teens to pay attention when they're behind the wheel? How about a little distracted driving demo with the help of the Oculus Rift?
That's the idea behind Toyota's TeenDrive365 simulator, which has teenagers strap on an Oculus Rift, get into a stationary vehicle, and navigate some virtual roads.
While driving, however, teenagers will have to juggle various distractions, like traffic noises, the radio, text messages, and virtual friends sitting in the passenger and back seats.
Those who lose focus will "experience the consequences of distracted driving within the virtual setting," according to Toyota. Ideally, the company wants teens to "come away a little wiser about what it takes to be safe behind the wheel."
"Oculus Rift provides a virtual reality driving experience that mirrors real life behind the wheel, giving us a powerful, one-of-a-kind way to show parents and teens how everyday distractions can affect their ability to drive safely," Marjorie Schussel, corporate marketing director for Toyota, said in a statement.
The simulator will be making appearances at auto shows around the country. Starting today, it will be available at the New England International Auto Show in Boston, and it will be at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit from Jan. 17-25. Look out for it at the Washington Auto Show and Philadelphia Auto Show later this month, too.
Toyota TeenDrive365 has been around since 2013, but this is the first time the car maker has integrated an Oculus Rift headset. It was developed by Brightline Interactive in partnership with 360i and with support from The PEERS Foundation.
Last year, a study from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development revealed that drivers ages 15 to 20 represent more than 6 percent of all motorists on the road, but account for more than 11 percent of fatalities, and 14 percent of police-reported, injury-inducing crashes. The report compared the results of two studies that pit 100 drivers ages 18 to 72 with an average 20 years of on-road experience against 42 teens who had drivers' licenses for less than three weeks.
In related news, Verizon today announced Verizon Vehicle, a new service that will provide drivers with diagnostic technology, live assistance, and GPS-based roadside assistance.
Verizon Vehicle will be compatible with nearly every vehicle made and sold in the U.S. since 1996, the company said, and you don't have to be an existing Verizon customer. It will cost $14.99 per month, plus $12.99 per month for any additional vehicles. You can pre-order your kit now and Verizon expects to start shipping them around April 10.
CES is the proving ground for many new innovations in technology. Here are the Google and Android trends you need to know from CES 2015.
The journey to Las Vegas every year for CES is something of a pilgrimage for technophiles. It is among the show tunes and slot machines that you will see the latest and greatest in tech, and identify the trends for the year ahead.
Google, however, typically isn't much of a center stage player at CES. The search company tends to release new products and information through its own, proprietary events, such as the I/O developer conference, where it doesn't have to share the spotlight with other companies.
While Google didn't divulge any earth-shattering news, or unveil its next big product at CES 2015, the company had a presence there and several of its partners shared new developments. Here are the top three trends to watch in the Google and Android ecosystems from CES 2015.
1. It starts in the home
Google hasn't been shy about its interest in the Internet of Things space. Early last year, the company acquired smart thermostat maker Nest Labs for $3.2 billion, catalyzing its headlong dive into the connected home. Much of what we saw at CES this year pointed to an even bigger play at this market.
Nest, which is still operated as a separate company, kicked off the CES festivities by announcing a host of new partnerships for home automation. The initiative is called "Works with Nest," and companies such as smart lock maker August, LG, Philips Hue, and UniKey joined Dropcam, Whirlpool, and Mercedes Benz as part of the collaboration effort.
Google's efforts in the home won't stop at automation, though.
When it comes to consumer electronics at CES, there were plenty of conversations around televisions, especially regarding 4K. Sony was one of the top exhibitors of 4K TVs, displaying its KDL-W850C series which has Android TV integration.
Google also recently released its Nexus Player and an updated version of the Chromecast, showing its eagerness to capitalize on the streaming video market. Another announcement it made at CES was the impending launch of Google Cast for audio. Soon, users will be able to stream audio from approved apps directly to compatible speakers. Additionally, there were third party products like the Razer Forge TV that use the Android OS to stream other media.
2. All about the automobile
Some of the biggest hype around Android at CES had to do with its Android Auto initiative, which is the Android OS powering specific vehicle infotainment displays. The initiative was announced earlier this year at the company's I/O conference for developers.
Audio company Pioneer was one of the first companies to roll out Apple's Carplay technology, and they showcased their aftermarket Android Auto integration at CES this year. Android Auto will be available on the second-generation NEX receivers by Pioneer in March 2015.
One of the fullest integrations came from Korean car manufacturer Hyundai. Called Blue Link, the Android Auto service built out by Hyundai is integrated with other tools such as car alarms and car starters. Hyundai took it one step further by building out an accompanying Android Wear app that allows users to remotely start or stop the engine, lock or unlock the doors, flash the lights, honk the horn, or geo locate the car.
3. Mobile reigns
Android, at its core, is still a mobile OS, and that was apparent at CES. Android news at the show centered around smartphones, specifically the LG Flex 2.
The Flex 2's keystone feature is its curved display. The phone's screen is 5.5 inches, setting it on the edge of the phablet category. The phones is powered by a Snapdragon 810 quad-core processor and will ship with Android 5.0.
Android Wear, Google's wearable initiative, has been a big undertaking for the company in 2014 and will continue to be a big part of its strategy in 2015. One of the most unique Android Wear smartwatches on display was the GoldKey Secure Communicator. The phone has its own secure storage and payments tools, setting it apart as a potential enterprise contender.
1-5 in Miami.
MIAMI & NEW YORK, January 14, 2015 -eMerge Americas,
NBCUniversal News Group and Telemundo today announced that they have entered
into a multi-year media partnership. As part of the agreement, NBC News, CNBC,
MSNBC and Telemundo will offer viewers and users exclusive access to this
groundbreaking global technology conference, which takes place in Miami on May
1-5, 2015.
“We created eMerge Americas because there was no bridge connecting the rest of
world to the dynamic economic and technological growth occurring in Latin
America,” said Manuel D. Medina, Managing Partner of Medina Capital and founder
of eMerge Americas. “With more than 6,000 attendees, over 400 participating
global companies and more than 100 sponsors in our first year, eMerge Americas
is well on its way to becoming the most important technology event for all the
Americas and significantly accelerating Miami’s ascent as the next great
technology epicenter. Partnering with the respected networks of NBCUniversal
News Group and Telemundo is critical to further shining a light on our
important mission.”
“All of the NBCUniversal News Group properties are constantly seeking new ways
to deepen our engagement with news consumers,” said Pat Fili-Krushel, Chairman,
NBCUniversal News Group. “In aligning with eMerge Americas, we have a chance to
focus intensively on a compelling yet under-reported story: the transformation
and innovation happening all across the Americas.”
“Latinos are technically savvy, socially connected and early adopters, wielding
a buying power in excess of $1 trillion,” said Joe Uva, Chairman, NBCUniversal,
Hispanic Enterprises and Content. “Partnering with e-Merge to leverage
NBCUniversal’s unmatched reach among all U.S. Hispanics across both languages
will allow technology innovators and disruptors to tap into one of the fastest
growing markets in the U.S. and throughout Latin America."
Select programs from the networks of the NBC News Group and Telemundo will
broadcast live from eMerge Americas and exclusively interview the high-profile
conference speakers and attendees, cover emerging topics and trends and report
the many events and happenings throughout the 5-day event.
eMerge Americas 2015 is expected to attract more than 10,000 attendees,
hundreds of top companies and the world’s leading disruptors and thought
leaders. Key elements on this year’s agenda include:
• eGov: Government Innovation Summit– Prominent mayors and government
officials from around the globe gather to address the challenges faced by
accelerated urbanization and how to transform their urban communities into
Smart Cities through the power of innovative technology.
• Startup Showcase– Entrepreneurs from over 100
start-up incubators/accelerators from Latin America and Europe compete for
funding from well-known investors.
• Country Pavilions– Participating nations from the
Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia showcase their local innovations
and connect with strategic partners, generate new international leads and
become a part of the ever-expanding technological transformation in the
• Women, Innovation
& Technology (WIT)– A one-day summit showcasing top female professionals from
different industries discussing how they are transforming the business
landscape through technology and
About eMerge AmericaseMerge Americas serves as the
preeminent innovative thought exchange helping transform Miami into the
technological hub of the Americas. By connecting global industry leaders and
investors with the America’s top business executives, IT decision-makers, and
innovative entrepreneurs, new partnerships that will spur visionary innovation
and technological advancements in the Americas for the betterment of business
and society are being forged. Summits focused on healthcare, entertainment and
media, finance, cities, and education address the most pressing issues of today
and provide solutions and resources to continue the rapid advances of the 21st
century. eMerge Americas Founding Partners are the John S. and James L. Knight
Foundation, Miami-Dade County, Greenberg Traurig, P.A., and Medina Capital. For
more information about eMerge Americas, please
About NBCUniversal
News Group: The NBCUniversal News Group is one of the most influential and
respected portfolios of on-air and digital news properties in the world,
reaching over 147 million people each month. The Group includes NBC News, a
broadcast leader of global news and information for over 75 years and home to
such respected programs as "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams,"
"Today," "Meet the Press," and "Dateline;" MSNBC,
the premiere destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful
political commentary and informed perspectives reaching more than 96 million
households worldwide; CNBC, the recognized world leader in business news
reaching more that 370 million homes worldwide as well as The Weather Channel
and digital platforms including the NBC News Digital Group,, The NBCUniversal News Group also extends on its
nationwide network of owned and affiliate stations, NBC News and CNBC Radio; as
well as MSNBC on Sirius XM radio.
About Telemundo:Telemundo, part of Hispanic
Enterprises and Content, a division of NBCUniversal, is a world-class media
company, leading the industry in the production and distribution of
high-quality Spanish-language content across its multiplatform portfolio to
U.S. Hispanics and audiences around the world. Telemundo’s multiple platforms
include the Telemundo Network, a Spanish-language television network featuring
original productions, theatrical motion pictures, news and first-class sports
events, reaching U.S. Hispanic viewers in 210 markets through its 16 owned
stations, broadcast and MVPD affiliates; Telemundo Digital Media, which
distributes Telemundo’s original content across digital and emerging platforms
including mobile devices,;
an owned and operated full power station in Puerto Rico that reaches 99% of all
TV households in that DMA; and Telemundo Internacional, the international
distribution arm which has positioned Telemundo as the second largest provider
of Spanish-language content worldwide by syndicating content to more than 100 countries
in over 35 languages.
Summary:The biggest tech expo of the year is drawing to an end. Here's the very best tech we've seen -- including virtual reality, wearable tech, PCs-on-a-stick, and next-generation chips.
The latest development kid for Oculus Rift, one of the most popular and breakthrough virtual reality kits, adds better positional tracking and display technology. The new DK2 prototype includes a 1080p high-resolution display, and keeps the price under $350.
LG introduces webOS-powered televisions
If you thought webOS was dead, think again. The Korean electronics giant bought the rights from HP, and now includes the former smartphone software in its next-generation televisions. It has a simpler user interface, and now supports 4K streaming for the next-generation in high-resolution content. webOS comes to devices as part of the company's 2015 line-up, and not existing devices.
Intel's RealSense makes drones spatially aware
Imagine drones that know how to move around obstacles. The crashes would go down, and confidence would go up. Intel's new RealSense technology makes that happen, as well as other tech, like jackets that help the visually-impaired, and gesture and facial recognition and controls. The voice and gesture control system can be embedded almost everywhere -- laptops, cars, smartphones, and Internet of Things devices.
LG's dedication to the curve, meet the G Flex 2
LG's second-generation curved smartphone features a vastly-improved 5.5-inch display with a 23-degree arc. It also sports a faster Snapdragon 810 processor. And, like its predecessor, it comes with "self-healing" capabilities. Scratch or scuff the back of the device, and it "bleeds" back into health. The front is just as protected, with the latest Gorilla Glass, which LG says it improves in-house to make it even stronger.
Hypr-3 bolsters mobile payments with three-factor security
Mobile payments became more popular last year with the introduction of Apple Pay. Hyper-3 aims to make it mobile payments more widespread with a small, thin, and light Bluetooth-powered gadget that affixes to your smartphone. At just $20, it integrates with your phone software to offer significantly stronger three-factor authentication, designed to make anyone trying to make an unauthorized transaction nigh-on impossible
Intel's new Curie chip changes the game on wearables
Curie, Intel's latest creation, is a computer about the size of a suit button. It's part of the chipmaker's wider wearable device strategy. It's just made it out of the company's labs and will land later this year. The analytics and big data opportunities are said to be huge and have near-limitless potential
Nvida's Tegra X1 superchip will connect cars to the world
Described as a "superchip," the latest Nvidia chip, the Tegra X1, balances a 256-core graphics processor with an 8-core 64-bit central processor. It's one of the most powerful chips on the market for its size, and it uses a fraction of the energy consumption to that of its rivals. Touted as the "world's first teraflop mobile processor," it could go in smartphones -- sure -- but Nvidia aims to have this for cars, making them the "most advanced computers in the world."
Intel introduces a Windows PC-on-a-stick
The chipmaker took the inspiration of Amazon's Fire TV Stick and Google's Chromecast, and added much more to what could've just been a content streaming device -- by making it a fully-fledged computer. The Windows PC-on-a-stick comes with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of flash storage. It also include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and you can even add more storage through a microSD slot. At a fraction of the size, it's also a fraction of the cost -- and just $149, and $89 for the Linux version.
iHome plug works with Apple's Siri
Apple's HomeKit is about to get a much welcome guest. iHome's smart plug allows you to control almost anything you can plug into the wall by talking to Siri. Priced at just $40 for its cheapest version, you'll soon be able to turn off an entire room's lamps off with a touch of a button -- or with Siri, of course -- and micromanage your power consumption throughout your house.
Lenovo, NEC show off the world's lightest 13-inch laptop
The Chinese electronics giant has built what it claims to be the lightest 13-inch laptop, putting the Windows PC side-by-side with the MacBook Air as its biggest rival. It's even lighter than the Air, at 2.6 pounds. Lenovo says the devices are still strong, thanks to a magnesium-lithium chassis, which the company says is half the weight of aluminum.
3D printing made easier with Fuel3D three-dimensional scanner
3D printing just got a boost with Scanify's 3D-scanner, dubbed the Scanify. The company claims it can take a 3D scan in one-tenth of a second, by combining precalibrated stereo cameras with photometric imaging. Once the file is processed, it can be exported into one of three common file types (.STL, .OBJ, and .PLY), which are commonly used for 3D printing software.